Hello Ella. Thanks for tackling some logical extensions based on popular theories. I haven't read it much, but I can see you did some homework. For Einstein's theories, and singularity theory, there are published books by physicists quite critical of "trusting the math" in negligence of natural observation. Singularity theories, and quantum mechanics are full of debate as to interpretations. I'm not a fan of Occam, Calvinism, Reductionism, or Determinism, and rather a fan of Entropy and Happenstance, so I conclude Free Will is alive and well. Feel free to visit my publication titled "Flaw Law Sciences" if you have interest in a different angle. For a primer on the very limited (of course) but very key to allow you to even write what you wrote, concept of Liberty of Human Will, you're welcome to look at my publication Hidden Flame Liberty. -- As I often remind myself "Beware Einstein and Hawking, and return to Heinz R. Pagels and Richard Feynman."